Just a 25 ml a day will make your horse looking and performing their best. Maintaining horse weight, Making Coat looking 100% shiny and full. A combo of certain plant based and seaweed based highly digestible Omega Fatty Acids, all in one, is a super-easy way to make your horse looking and performing their best.
Supplementing your horse with ADDiVANTAGE combo oil has been shown to:
- Improve skin, hair, sheen, coat, mane and tail conditions
- Improve joint health, movement, functioning as an anti-inflammatory
- Help in reducing allergy signs and preventing ulcers
- Improve tendon, ligament, and bone formation
- Enhance performance, heart, circulatory health, and muscle healing
- Relieve anxiety, reserve energy and boost mood
Supplementing your horse’s diet with ADDiVANTAGE combo oil, is the proven solution to maintain your horse body weight and make your horse coat 100% shiny and full.
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